Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

The Sedona Conference has created this policy statement to explain how we fulfill our commitment to privacy for our web site users, Conference members, and Working Group SeriesSM members. The following paragraphs disclose our information gathering, security, and dissemination practices. The privacy statement may change at any time, and any changes will be posted on this page. If you have additional questions, comments, or concerns about privacy and this web site, please contact:

The Sedona Conference

301 East Bethany Home Road, Suite C-297

Phoenix, AZ 85012

Local: (602) 258-4910


Information collected by browsing

When you browse The Sedona Conference web site, you are not required to reveal any personal information, such as your name, address, email address, or telephone number, unless you want to join, register for a conference or event, purchase a product or service, or make a donation. The Sedona Conference web server passively collects non-personal information from all visitors such as the make of visitors’ browser software and the Internet domain names of the locations from which visitors enter. This information helps us diagnose technical problems and manage our site. It is not associated with any individual personally identifiable information.

Collecting personally identifiable information

We may request the information from you in order to respond to specific information requests, enroll you as a member, register you for events or programs, facilitate your participation in Working Group SeriesSM activities, resolve disputes or troubleshoot problems, and measure and improve our services and the content and layout of our website. The kinds of information we may ask of you include:

• Personal or business contact information, including your name, email address, telephone number(s), and postal address.

• Information necessary for processing membership payments or other purchases, such as credit card numbers, and billing and delivery addresses.

Your business or personal contact information

The business or personal contact information you provide to us will only be used by The Sedona Conference for its business purposes, such as processing your membership dues, notifying you of Sedona Conference events and activities, or sending you written or electronic information. We will not sell or rent your contact information to any other entity, nor will we share your contact information with any other entity except as necessary to process credit card payments. At the end of your membership term, your profile information will be removed from view by other members. We may continue to use your business or personal contact information to inform you of events, publications, and other activities of The Sedona Conference unless you specifically request to have your information removed from our contact files.

User IDs and passwords

The user IDs and passwords issued to members are unique to each member. Members are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their user IDs and passwords, and are responsible for activities that occur under their user ID and password. Each member agrees to immediately notify The Sedona Conference of any loss, theft, or unauthorized use of his or her user ID or password.

IP addresses and cookies

The Sedona Conference web server software necessarily identifies and logs IP addresses of users. The use of such information is limited to responding to user requests for particular web pages and information, to help diagnose problems with our server, and to administer our web site. IP addresses are also logged in a permanent file whenever a credit card is used in an online transaction to aide in the investigation of any fraud.


We value your privacy and security and pledge to prevent the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. We store and process your personal information on our computers in the state of Arizona, and we use our best efforts to protect it by maintaining physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards. We use computer safeguards such as firewalls and data encryption, we enforce physical access controls to our building and files, and we authorize access to personal information only for those employees who require it to fulfill their job responsibilities.

Links to other sites

We may provide links to sites not controlled by The Sedona Conference, such as courts, law firms, or legal publishers. Although we have selected such links carefully for the suitability of the content they provide, we are not responsible for the privacy or security of these sites. If you are asked to provide information on one of these sites, we strongly urge you to study their privacy policies before sharing your information.