Proposed Revisions to The Sedona Principles – WG1 Online Meeting Jan 26 2016

Tuesday, January 26, 2016 - 4:00pm to 5:30pm

The Sedona Principles is the foundational document of Sedona Working Group 1. Since the first draft in 2003, it has evolved incrementally to reflect developments in the rules, the case law, and practice – but it has always been cited by courts, rulemakers, professional and industry leaders, and legal academics for its authority, balance, practicality, and thought leadership. The last edition of The Sedona Principles was published in 2007. Since then, we have had eight years of case law and technological development, as well as significant changes in the federal rules.

A team of Working Group 1 members has been working with the Steering Committee for many months on ideas to bring the Principles up to date, with significant input from the entire membership in writing and at three face-to-face meetings. Since our last Working Group 1 meeting in Orlando, the team has been hard at work making further revisions, with a significant focus on Principles 12 and 14. Last month, we announced two dates in January when we would hold online Working Group dialogue on the proposals to Principles 12 and 14. The team has decided instead to hold a single 90-minute meeting on January 26, 2016, starting at 4:00 p.m., Eastern time.

All Working Group members are invited. Advance registration is free. Because the meeting will be recorded, the usual “Sedona Rule” prohibiting attribution of comments made during meetings cannot be enforced. If you have specific questions and comments you would like to have the Working Group membership address during the meeting, you are encouraged to submit them to before Monday, January 25. To assist you in reviewing and commenting on these proposals, and to facilitate your full participation in the dialogue during the online meeting, the current draft revisions of Principles 12 and 14 are available for download under the Notebook Materials section of this page (you need to be registered to access).

We hope you will be able to be a part of this effort to broaden participation and input from all Sedona Working Group Series members in this “mission critical” endeavor.