The Sedona Conference® Commentary on Proportionality in Electronic Discovery

Wednesday, January 9, 2013 - 11:00am to 12:30pm

Introducing The Sedona Conference® Commentary on Proportionality in Electronic Discovery, this 90-minute webinar for litigators, in-house counsel, judges, information management professionals, law faculty, and students discusses Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26(b)(2), its equivalents in state and provincial courts, and the additional judicial flexibility available to tailor and target discovery of electronically stored information (ESI) to the needs of each case.
It is increasingly important for courts and parties to apply proportionality concepts in order to manage the large volume of potentially discoverable ESI and the corresponding expense, while ensuring that they have the information they need to fairly adjudicate the case.
Topics that will be covered in the webinar include:

Six “Principles of Proportionality” of immediate and practical assistance to the Bench and Bar
Burden versus benefit: looking beyond the price tag
Exploring the availability of information from more accessible sources
Strategies and technologies to target discovery and reduce costs
The role of waiver and undue delay in the proportionality analysis

The panel will take your questions by text and telephone during the program.
Moderated by Conor Crowley, Chair of the Steering Committee of The Sedona Conference® Working Group 1 on Electronic Document Retention and Production, the faculty includes Judge Michael Baylson of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania; and Commentary editors Joseph P. Guglielmo, Scott + Scott, LLP, New York; and Gina Trimarco, DLA Piper, West Orange.
This webinar is held in conjunction with the publication of The Sedona Conference® Commentary on Proportionality in Electronic Discovery, a project of Working Group 1. Registrants will receive an advance copy of the Commentary before the webinar.
$79 Members of The Sedona Conference® Working Group Series
$99 General Public
Register Now!
A limited number of free registrations are available to courts, government agencies, and law schools on a first-come, first-serve basis. To apply, please email


- What is “proportionality” in discovery?

- Does “proportionality” differ from cost/benefit analysis?

- What rules directly address proportionality In discovery?

- What is the role of legal technology in proportionality analysis?

- What non-monetary factors enter into proportionality analysis?

- Can proportionality analysis be both a shield and a sword?

- How do parties and their counsel achieve proportionality in discovery?