The Sedona Conference Journal Volume 9
Is There a Spin-Doctor in the House? Public Relations Consultants & Potential Waiver of Confidentiality (Ethical & Practical Considerations of Involving Public Relations Consultants)
eDiscovery in Healthcare & Pharmaceutical Litigation: What’s Ahead for ESI, PHI & EHR?
You’ve Been Served: Corporate Response to Grand Jury Subpoenas & Search Warrants for Electronically Stored Information
The Sedona Conference Commentary on Non-Party Production & Rule 45 Subpoenas
The Sedona Conference Commentary on ESI Evidence & Admissibility
An Overview & Primer on the New Rules: The Caution Light at the Intersection of Prosecution & Litigation in the 21st Century
Restoring the Balance: The Supreme Court Joins the Patent Reform Movement
The Waiver of Attorney-Client Privilege & Use of Non-Liability Opinions After In re Seagate
Reexamination Practice with Concurrent District Court Patent Litigation
A Survey of Established & Emerging IP Business Models
Competition, Consumer Welfare & The Sherman Act
Bundled Discounting: From LePage’s to PeaceHealth & Beyond
Twombly: Another Swing of the Pleading Pendulum
The Leegin Case: Some Personal Observations About How It Began & Where it Will Take Us Next
Loyalty & Fidelity Discounts & Rebates in the U.S. and EU: Will Divergence Occur Over Cost-Based Standards of Liability?
Quality of Care As a Basis for False Claims Act Liability: Is the Proof Insurmountable?