Date: Thursday, December 5, 2019
Time: 1:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time
Duration: 90 minutes
The legal world’s reliance on technology has created incredible efficiencies. As a result, personal and confidential information (“PCI”) is more readily available and therefore at risk of being compromised. Indeed, law firms and legal service providers are considered rich targets by hackers and data thieves, both for the richness of the data they hold on clients and others, and for the perception that these entities are easily breached.
However, law firms and legal service providers have heightened responsibilities to protect the information entrusted to them. Not only are they subject to the same federal and provincial statutory regulations regarding data privacy and data security as other business entities, they are subject to professional ethics rules regarding technological competence and client confidentiality.
The Sedona Conference Working Group 7 (“Sedona Canada”) has drafted a detailed guide to implementing these legal and ethical rules, organized around six principles:
- Know the law
- Understand the PCI you control
- Assess risk
- Develop policies and practices
- Monitor regularly
- Reassess
and six practical steps:
- Identify the types and sources of information that must be protected
- Determine those who need access
- Develop specifically tailored information security policies and practices
- Establish processes for timely disposition of records and information
- Implement training program
- Prepare for the worst
Join our panel of experts to understand how The Sedona Canada Commentary on Privacy and Information Security for Legal Service Providers: Principles and Guidelines can help you understand the risks, how to create policies to protect PCI; and how to evaluate and re-assess your best practices.
In addition, the Working Group 7 Steering Committee and Drafting Team are interested in your comments on this publication before it is finalized in early 2020. The panel will address your questions and comments during the webinar, and comments may be submitted in writing to [email protected] through January 10, 2020.
You can download your free copy of the Commentary on Privacy and Information Security for Legal Service Providers here. Registration is not required, but logging in with your Sedona Conference username and password facilitates faster access.
Host and Moderator
Kenneth J. Withers The Sedona Conference
Phoenix, AZ, USA