[Session 5] Practical Advice for Managing eDiscovery in Small Cases

Thursday, October 24, 2019 - 2:15pm to 3:30pm
Panel Description: 

Even “small cases” can give rise to big eDiscovery headaches and size definitely matters when it comes to proportionality under Rule 26(b)(1). The “Small Cases” drafting team is continuing to incorporate input received to date and will update the WG1 membership on the latest changes to the draft on this topic. This panel will also share and discuss tips, tricks, and practical advice for responsibly and cost-effectively handling eDiscovery challenges presented by those cases filed in state and federal courts that constitute a “small case.”



Charlotte, NC, USA

Dialogue Leaders

Supreme Court of the State of New York
Nassau County Supreme Court

Mineola, NY, USA

Nagel Rice, LLP

Roseland, NJ, USA

Outten & Golden LLP

New York, NY, USA

Greensfelder, Hemker, & Gale, P.C.

St. Louis, MO, USA