Please join us for a Working Group 6 (WG6) membership building event at the offices of Swiss Re, in London, United Kingdom, on Wednesday, 3 May, 2017, from 18:30 to 20:30. A distinguished panel of leading practitioners, including panel moderator Monika Kuschewsky of Squire Patton Boggs, Chris Dale of The eDisclosure Information Project, Matthew Davis of Consilio, Natascha Gerlach of Cleary Gottlieb, and David Mayo of Deutsche Bank, will lead a dialogue on the challenges that cross-border transfers of data pose for companies in relation to preservation and discovery obligations. The dialogue will focus on the likely impact of Brexit and the GDPR. The panelists will highlight available practical guidance that WG6 has developed to help practitioners across the globe navigate the evolving data protection landscape, including The Sedona Conference International Litigation Principles (Transitional Edition) and the The Sedona Conference International Investigations Principles, which will soon be published for public comment.
The event is open to the entire legal community, and there is no cost to attend.
Non-members in attendance that are interested in becoming WG6 members will receive a $100 discount for a Working Group Series (WGS) membership. Please be sure to remind any friends, colleagues or clients who are interested in joining - WGS membership is in-for-one, in-for-all. Once a WGS member, one is eligible to become a member and take part in the activities of all Working Groups, including WG6.