Hotel Adlon Kempinski
Monday, 6 June, 18:00 to 20:00 - Welcome Reception
The Sedona Conference will hold its 8th Annual International Programme on Cross-Border Discovery & Data Protection Laws in Berlin, Germany, continuing the tradition of its unique, dialogue-based format, and bringing together top-level regulators, judges, in-house counsel, and practitioners to exchange ideas and develop concise, practical guidance in the interconnected fields of cross-border discovery and data protection.
The focus for 2016 will be to explore the rapidly evolving landscape of the European data protection regime, including the proposed new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the judgment of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) on Safe Harbor, and the new “EU-U.S. Privacy Shield” agreement, providing a thorough assessment of the numerous recent data protection developments in Europe and around the world.
Unlike other continuing legal education programmes, all faculty members are present for the entire Programme, and faculty members participate in all aspects of the Programme. The format involves dialogue not only among faculty members, but also with the Programme participants, who are invited and encouraged to contribute their comments and perspectives to the dialogue. The Programme is by invitation only to ensure a proper balance of participants, and is limited in size to ensure we have an intimate environment for meaningful dialogue.
The Programme will be held at the legendary Hotel Adlon Kempinski in Berlin, located in Pariser Platz Square on Unter den Linden Boulevard, just steps from the Brandenburg Gate. We have secured a highly favorable group rate of EUR 240 per night on a limited block of Deluxe Rooms at the Hotel Adlon Kempinski for the evenings of 6-8 June 2016. The group rate also is available for the four days preceding (2-5 June) and the three days following the Programme (9-11 June), but completely subject to room availability because there is no room block for these nights. Complete hotel reservation information will be provided with your Programme registration confirmation email. Accordingly, you should submit an application for the Programme as soon as possible, so we can consider your application and extend you an invitation to participate in the Programme in a timely fashion. A meet-and-greet reception will be held at the hotel the evening before the Programme begins, Monday, 6 June, from 18:00 to 20:00.
Please also note that a separate meeting for Working Group 6 (WG6) members will be held on Thursday, 9 June, from 8:30 to 13:00 (location TBA). If you are a WG6 member who would like to attend the WG6 members-only meeting, please indicate this during the application process by checking the box signifying that you plan to attend.
In addition, following the conclusion of the programme and lunch on the afternoon of 8 June, there will be a meeting limited to in-house counsel and Sedona leadership to discuss and benchmark cross-border transfer best practices in a more relaxed and informal setting. This intimate forum will allow for a more frank and robust discussion of issues of specific importance to in-house counsel. If you are invited to participate in the programme, the organizers of this meeting will contact you separately with more details.
We hope to see you in Berlin.