St. Pancras Renaissance London Hotel
The Sedona Conference will bring its unique dialogue-based format to the 6th Annual International Programme on Cross-Border Discovery & Data Protection Laws this summer at the St. Pancras Renaissance London Hotel. Unlike other continuing legal education programmes, all the faculty is present for the entire Programme, and faculty members participate in all aspects of the Programme. The format involves dialogue not only among faculty members, but also with the Programme participants, who are invited and encouraged to contribute their comments and perspectives to the dialogue.
This invitation-only Programme features a renowned faculty consisting of data protection authorities, regulators, judges, and both outside and in-house counsel. The faculty has been put together with the objectives of achieving balance between: the public and private sectors; in-house and outside counsel; and plaintiff and defense views.
Leading edge topics for the panels at the Programme include: N
- New developments in EU data protection regulation & enforcement
- Privacy law arbitrage and business governance strategies
- Discovery, disclosure and data transfer in Asia.
The Programme also features a panel on case law updates, which will provide judicial commentary on cross-border discovery and data transfers. Additionally, Programme participants with a wide array of backgrounds and experience will explore practical applications of The Sedona Conference International Principles, through use of a hypothetical fact pattern. The hypothetical will draw upon current issues surrounding data privacy, government intrusion into data protection, information governance, and data collection and transfer issues.
The ultimate objective of the Programme is not solely to engage in thought-provoking and stimulating dialogue on these issues, but also generate ideas and strategies to:
- Best address cross-border conflicts that are presented when data protection laws are at odds with discovery obligations
- Achieve greater practical application of Sedona’s International Principles on a global basis.
All of this is done through an exciting and stimulating dialogue-based format.
This invitation-only Programme is limited to 100 participants (plus the faculty) to ensure an intimate environment for meaningful dialogue and a proper balance of participants.
The Programme will be held at the St. Pancras Renaissance London Hotel, which has has been hailed as London’s most romantic building. Sir John Betjeman called this Gothic treasure “too beautiful and too romantic to survive” in a world of tower blocks and concrete. Sir Terry Farrell calls it “the finest Victorian architectural achievement in London.” This venue will provide a fantastic setting for our unique, dialogue-based program!
We have secured a group rate on a block of rooms at the hotel; complete hotel reservation information will be provided with your registration confirmation email.
Please be sure to join us for a “meet and greet” reception at the hotel on Tuesday, 22 July, from 20:00 to 21:30, on the first floor of the hotel in The Gallery/Ladies Smoking Room.
A separate WG6 members-only meeting will be held on Friday, 25 July, from 8:30 to 13:00, at the offices of Hogan Lovells International LLP. Hogan Lovells, just 1.4 miles/2.25 km from the St. Pancras Renaissance Hotel, is located at Atlantic House, 50 Holborn Viaduct, near the junction with Charterhouse Street. If you are a WG6 member who would like to attend the WG6 members-only meeting, please indicate this during the application process by checking the box that signifies that you plan to attend. For WG6 members in attendance at the public Programme, there is no additional registration for Friday’s members-only meeting.
Please Note: Immediately following this Programme we will be holding The 15th Annual Sedona Conference® on Antitrust Law & Litigation: Global Antitrust / Competition Law Enforcement. If you or a colleague are interested, please visit the Antitrust Conference page for further details.