In this year’s annual antitrust conference to be held in London, The Sedona Conference will bring its unique dialogue-based format to the subject of Global Antitrust/Competition Law Enforcement. Unlike other continuing legal education programmes, all the faculty is present for the entire Conference, and faculty members participate in all aspects of the Conference. The format involves dialogue not only among faculty members, but also with the Conference participants, who are invited and encouraged to contribute their comments and perspectives to the dialogue. The structure of the Conference consists of panels devoted to the agenda topics, each panel having selected faculty members for introducing aspects of the panel’s topic and initiating and guiding the dialogue in which the entire Conference participates.
This Conference features a stellar faculty consisting of representatives of competition enforcement authorities from the US and the EU, eminent jurists, private practitioners with international antitrust experience from both the plaintiff and defense bars, and distinguished academics. The faculty has been put together with the objectives of achieving balance between public and private enforcement, between plaintiff and defense views, and between active enforcement and the detached perspective of scholars and commentators.
The topics for the panels at the Conference will cover the most pressing issues of current concern in international antitrust/competition law, including:
- Current enforcement activity, both public and private, in the US, the EU, and China
- Private enforcement (including collective actions and claimant consortia) in the EU
- International discovery issues, including access to leniency documents and obtaining discovery from the US for use in other countries
- Intellectual property and internet competition problems
- Merger control in the US, the EU and China.
The conference will feature a roundtable of distinguished regulators and judges from both the US and the EU.
The ultimate objective of the programme is not solely to engage in thought-provoking and stimulating dialogue on these issues, but also to generate ideas and strategies for future reasoned and beneficial development of competition law world-wide – through an exciting and stimulating dialogue-based format.
Registration is limited to 80 participants (plus the faculty) to ensure an intimate environment for meaningful dialogue.
The Conference will be held at the St. Pancras Renaissance London Hotel, which has has been hailed as London’s most romantic building. Sir John Betjeman called this Gothic treasure “too beautiful and too romantic to survive” in a world of tower blocks and concrete. Sir Terry Farrell calls it “the finest Victorian architectural achievement in London.” This venue will provide a fantastic setting for our unique, dialogue-based program! We have secured a group rate on a block of rooms at the hotel; complete hotel reservation information will be provided with your registration confirmation email.
Please Note: Immediately preceding this Conference we will be holding our 6th Annual Sedona Conference International Programme on Cross-Border Discovery and Data Protection Laws; many of those interested in our Global Antitrust/Competition Law Enforcement Conference may also be interested in our Cross-Border Discovery Programme.
For further details, please visit the Cross-Border Programme page.