The Twelfth Annual Sedona Conference on Antitrust Law & Litigation features a blue-ribbon, international faculty including an FTC Commissioner, an economist with the DOJ, a federal trial judge, the Head of the Antitrust Unit on IT, Internet and Consumer Electronics from the EU Commission, nationally renowned academics, in-house counsel, and senior trial attorneys from both sides of the V.
This year’s Conference will focus on a number of extremely timely and important topics, including:
- What Does American Needle Portend
- Antitrust and the New Administration: Merger Guidelines
- Antitrust and the New Administration: Areas of Enforcement
- Global Antitrust Enforcement
- Antitrust in the Digital Age
- Evaluating Mergers of Internet Companies
- How do Procedural Issues Affect the Viability & Outcome of Antitrust Litigation
- Pricing Issues To ensure an intimate environment for meaningful dialogue, registration is strictly limited to 45 participants.
Registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.