Jesse Weisshaar

Shook, Hardy & Bacon L.L.P.

Jesse focuses on data governance and discovery matters in the context of product liability litigation. She advises clients on best practices for preservation, collection, processing, and review of discovery data. Jesse has coordinated productions in federal multidistrict litigation, individual state and federal cases, and consolidated state proceedings across the country. She is also involved in Shook’s Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Litigation Division, where she continues to hone her expertise handling product liability claims, including dispositive motion practice; preparing company and expert witnesses; and general trial preparation and strategy. Jesse rejoined Shook after serving as assistant senior counsel of litigation and compliance at Takeda Pharmaceuticals. Her considerable industry knowledge extends to pharma-funded take-back programs mandated by regulations in several municipalities across the U.S. In this capacity, she assists companies with monitoring and compliance efforts and participates with the working group formed to facilitate industry-wide cooperation on take-back-related initiatives.