Prof. Camilla Hrdy

Akron Law

Professor Camilla A. Hrdy is a Scholar at C-IP2 and the Research Professor in Intellectual Property Law at University of Akron School of Law. She is an affiliated fellow at the Yale Law School Information Society Project and (starting in fall 2021) a fellow at the Engelberg Center on Innovation Law & Policy at NYU Law.  Her primary teaching areas are Intellectual Property, Trade Secrets, Trademarks, Patents, and Civil Procedure. Professor Hrdy’s research focuses on intellectual property law; innovation and economic development; the history of patent law; intellectual property and federalism; the law and policy of trade secrets, trademarks, and unfair competition; and the relationship between intellectual property law, innovation, and human well-being.  Her articles have appeared in various law journals, including Stanford Law Review, American Law Review, Boston College Law Review, Florida Law Review Colorado Law Review, Wisconsin Law Review, Lewis & Clark Law Review, Berkeley Law & Technology Journal, and Michigan Technology Law Review.